A Viewpoint From The Vessel
Story by John Boisen
The Vessel is a student lead news service for the University of Sioux Falls, encompassing a website, news broadcasts, and a magazine. The magazine about life on the USF campus comes out once a month during the school year and has deep roots in the history of the college.
It started as The Stylus student newspaper and was published from 1909-1981. From The Stylus to USF College Week, the USF Media Studies program has had multiple versions of their publications and news programs as the journalism field evolved technologically. Two years ago, these formats converged under the branding of The Vessel. The Vessel Staff is finishing up the 2018-19 school year and are looking back and reminiscing about what this group means to them and the school.
Marissa Lute and Jessica Perez are the student leaders of the 2018/19 Vessel magazine. Marissa is the Editor-in-Chief and Jessica is the Creative Director.
“Being a part of The Vessel means a lot to me,” says Perez. “It has given me the opportunity to learn about media and help me figure out what I wanted to do with my life.”

Producing a monthly magazine, distributing it across campus and publishing it online provides students with the opportunity to establish a byline and work in a real-world journalism setting.
“I think The Vessel is a great opportunity for all students, even if they aren’t media majors. It allows for us to be creative, highlight current students and influence the campus in a positive way,” says Lute.

Any USF student who enjoys writing or taking pictures is welcome to join the staff and get elective credit. If you are interested in a position with The Vessel staff please contact Nancy Sutton at nancy.sutton@usiouxfalls.edu or stop by the Media Center next to Cooper’s Cafe.