InterVarsity here at University of Sioux Falls

By: Makenna Wallin

Students like Megan Sundvold have heard a need from over 50 University of Sioux Falls students who want to be involved in a study through InterVarsity. These studies involve a three-step process: 1) Observation 2) Interpretation 3) Application. 

InterVarsity is an international student ministry and non-profit organization that engages in discipleship around scripture. This year they sent out contact cards to students interested in what InterVarsity had to offer. The cards had the open-ended question of what students were interested in, the options were: 1) joining a bible study, 2) attending fun events, 3) knowing more about InterVarsity, 4) a leadership position. These contact cards reached over 50 students! 

Sundvold said, “This semester our theme is ‘knowing who you are because of who God is.’ When we know who we are because of who God is, we are able to flourish together as a community.” This three-step process is considered inductive bible studies, after each step they take a five-minute break.

 They begin their study with reading scripture together, then take a five minute break to re-read and see what words or phrases stand out. The group takes another five minutes and discusses what was meaningful. This part of the study is the observation. Interpretation begins with reading the same portion, with the goal of finding questions and things that students may be curious about. Sundvold said, “No question is a dumb question and that’s why I love InterVarsity so much.” After people share their questions and there is time to converse about them, they read the section again to prepare for the last phase. Lastly, students will talk with the group about how they can practice the word in everyday life. This section is Application. 

This year (2022-23) InterVarsity will be offering four different studies on the USF campus. To get some more information about InterVarsity’s small groups and community events check out their Instagram @USF_intervarsity.

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