Digging In and Going Deeper

Story by Hailey Schmidt

USF students may notice some differences in chapel this semester compared to last year.

One evident change is the new emphasis the administration has placed on the chapel hour. They are encouraging students to take time to slow down and re-center themselves, whether they choose to attend chapel or not.

The theme for this semester is “Digging in and Going Deeper.” Dennis Thum, Campus Pastor, explains how they got the idea for the theme.

“We used Colossians 2:6-7, which talks about, ‘As you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk with Him rooted and grounded and established in Him,’” says Thum.

“We take opportunities to benefit from the community that we have around us, that some people can pour into us, other times we can pour into other people,” says Assistant Campus Pastor, Matthew Harsch, on what the theme means to him.

Chapel takes place every Tuesday morning at 10 am in Z Hall in the Salsbury Science Center.

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