USF Idol
American Idol, a television show known around the world has been producing great artists for many years now. Now USF has started their very own competition called USF Idol. Students may not get a record deal or a big check for winning; however, this will be a great way for students to branch out and embrace their musical side.
Bryce Wildenauer started putting this event together with the help of Nathan Hofer, USF’s Assistant Director of Activities. Auditions have already happened and the event is set to start on November 3rd. Three judges were chosen to judge the event and each week contestants will either move closer to winning the 150 dollar prize, or be asked to lave the stage for good.
The event started this previous Monday and will be held next Monday the 10th, and Monday the 17th in Z hall. Students are highly encouraged and welcomed to go and watch as the contestants are put to the test.