USF Goes Green

USF is going green for Earth Day. The Environmental Club is launching Serving the Earth Week. The event is being held from April 18th to April 23rd after classes and will include different activities everyday.

Head of the Environmental Club, Cristina Adams, says the event includes many different activities.

“Monday and Tuesday we are collecting aluminum cans and pop tabs. Tuesday evening is Club-Fest. Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the quad you can participate in gardening activities with the gardening club. Thursday is the Kids Against Hunger event starting at 6:15 p.m. at the quad, and Friday to kind of wrap it up, we are showing the movie ‘Small is Beautiful’.”

USF wants to spark awareness of serving the Earth through this event.

According to Austin Hogie, USF Student Service Coordinator, “The whole mission of Serving the Earth Week is to get students educated and involved in different ways that they can serve their community and help out the earth. We have opportunities that are specifically designed to get students involved with Earth week.”

USF intends to keep this event going for years to come.

Hogie says “It’s a jumpstart. In years to come we hope that is going to be a reoccurring event. We’re going to have one or two service weeks a year that really highlights service on campus.”

The message of service matches up well with USF’s Christian values and shows what USF is all about.

Story by Zachary Brown & Tyler Reidman

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